Show 35…Hey U.G.L.Y. : Betty Hoeffner


I am involved in Stephen Ministry at church.  I have a blank page journal to express my thoughts creatively without the confines of lines!  The Texas State Fair is going on.  I have moved my office upstairs out of the bedroom, and now have a good view of the field next door.

Hey Unique Gifted Lovable You, is a non profit organization that helps teens and tweens discover their “inner cool” so that they can be who they are instead of who they think they need to be. I will be sharing a cuppa with Betty Hoeffner who co-founded this esteemed non profit organization, this coming Friday. Come and listen, and join in if you like, as Betty and I talk about bullying, obesity and racism. It happens to everyone…even homeschoolers. Be there, or be square!



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