Listen to my encore show this week while I work on writing my books.
My daughter is close to graduating from her Performing Arts College in London.
I talk about job hunting and some tips I’ve found on blogs especially for those who find themselves in the market again at over 50!
Gretchen Roe from the Calvert School is my guest this week and we are going to be talking about the challenges faced by single homeschoolers who are very creative in how they bring home the bacon while managing to home educate their children.
We will be discussing the reality of living on one income in a two income world. Provisions still need to be made for that rainy day which is a real possibility in our economically unstable world.
How do we support our spouses both financially and emotionally when the going gets tough and the coffers are empty?
Join me on Friday when Gretchen and I will talk about these difficult topics and acknowledge that God is sovereign and homeschooling is within reach despite our employment status.
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