This week on my show, where I seek to dispel the pre-conceived ideas about homeschooling, I’m thrilled to welcome back Barbara Frank. We spoke at the end of January about preparing our teenage children to be sprung on the world as independent and contributing members of society. Barbara is a homeschooling mother of two boys and two girls. Her husband, Tim, worked from home and they were all together as a family for a long time and lived to tell the tale! Barbara is the author of, Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers, a curriculum she wrote for her teenagers to help them live on their own with a goal of financial freedom. She and her husband started a company called Cardamom Publishers in 2003 to publish this first book and several others followed including, Thriving in the 21st Century, Women of the Old Testament: 14 In-Depth Bible Studies for Teens, and The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Guide to Homeschooling. We homeschooling Mums know how to manage our time!
Barbara often speaks to home education groups about homeschooling, and is also a freelance writer/editor and former newspaper reporter whose work has appeared in Focus on the Family Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. She has a B.S. in Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Today our conversation will centre round the empty nest syndrome and dealing with the disappointment of adult children whose lifestyles go against the way they were raised. Once parents can Pass Go on that one then they can move on to what God has planned for them next. This should be an emotional topic that I know a lot of you are facing so bring your tea and take a comfortable seat this Friday at 12 noon Central on Toginet Radio.
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