One of my guests this week is a homeschooled homeschooler the other one was most impressed by a homeschooler she met at college! Leah Shingleton is the mother of five children and the illustrator of two phonics books, A Pretty Girl was Alpha Bette and A Funny Boy was Prince River, both written by her sister and a regular guest on my show, Shannah Godfrey. Her friend and fellow guest with me today is Karianne Lisonbee
who also homeschools her six children. She and Leah live in the same city and are friends who support each other on their homeschooling journeys. Karianne is a Syracuse City Councilwoman who holds the best interest of her community in her heart. Join us on Friday for some insight into how homeschooling turns out well-rounded, productive citizens who are willing and able to make a difference, in other words, how homeschooling turns out people just like you and me!
I’m also going to be carrying on with my look at rules and bringing school home, lunch with a school friend, a welcome G&T, and Daughts’ dilemma! I’ve got a cup of P.G Tips again because it’s still cold and nasty and nothing to dunk in it because it’s Friday not Wednesday! I wish you were here with me but at least you can listen as I spout on while you sit comfortably. Let’s begin shall we?
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