I have one of my favourite people to chat to on my show today, my youngest child and daughter, Malia McNeny. Malia has been sailing the high seas since August 1st and has been to fourteen countries already! She is a graduated homeschooler, of course, who has wanted to be a performer ever since her first appearance on stage during a ballet recital when she was five. Making her dream come true has had its ups and downs but she has worked hard! From the community college in Texas, to a performance college in London she managed to maintain her day job as a Star Barista to pay for dance classes. She frequented the nearby Pineapple Studios where she auditioned a couple of times a week until this job came along! Her internet is iffy while cruising, depending on where she is, and last Sunday she Skyped me from Portugal and asked, “are we going to record a show?” and I said, “yes!” A journal of her adventures can be found under Daughts’ Thoughts on my website, Boomering.org. Tune in on Friday when I’ll bring you the conversation we had while she was sitting in a busy little café, not MacDonald’s for a change, in Lisboa, Portugal.
First off though I’m going to touch on rules and endless activities when I was growing up, my blue eyed cowboy’s run in with bureaucracy and the days shortening already. I’ll be drinking a mug of P.G Tips again because it’s still cold and nasty, with a tiny Bakewell tart to satisfy my sweet tooth. I wish you were here with me but at least you can listen to me spout on while you sit comfortably. Let’s begin shall we? Don’t forget your cuppa!
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