This week we’re going to take a break from extreme travel and welcome Jody Halsted to talk to us about how she inspires families to travel together, anywhere. I thought we’d come home as it were and find out how we can explore our own back yards and create lasting memories for everyone. Jody is a family travel authority and social media educator and has been rambling with her husband and two girls for many years. She has learned a thing or two about what makes a great family trip, how to spend days in a car without going crazy and tips to make flying look easy with your children! In 2012 she spearheaded a campaign to bring prominence to Midwest travel with a project, called Fly in to Fly Over Country: Travel Midwest. In 2013 Jody launched Ireland Family Vacations, a site designed to help families plan a magical Ireland vacation. In her blog at Family Rambling, Jody shares travel tips, destinations and first hand experiences, she also writes for various online and print publications and is active in social media, sharing her knowledge via Facebook and Twitter. Jody works with CVBs as a copywriter and FAM trip organizer. Join me on Friday and discover how to have fun and adventure without straying far from your back door.
Also in the show I’ll be talking about the Wunderlich family who had their four children (ages 7-14) taken from them last week for not sending them to the government schools, new English expressions for my blue-eyed cowboy to come to terms with and another visit to the Palace, this time to see the Royal Mews. Also, visit the Family Rambling Travel Tips page for more holiday wisdom from Jody Halsted.
2013-09-26 17:55:29
I really enjoyed listening to the interview. Will be checking back in the future.
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