This Friday afternoon I’m delighted to have as my guest a homeschooling Dad who is probably the coolest father ever because he uses film, popular movies in fact, to bring the ...
I am excited to be welcoming my school teacher daughter to my show this week. Paris McNeny is a graduate of Wildflower Academy and graduated top of her homeschool senior year. ...
This week my oldest and youngest children are joining me again this time to talk about their careers. They will look back on what they have achieved in the past year, how things ...
This week I am delighted to bring you a conversation I had with Simon and Lindsey McNeny who reflected with me on their past year and talked about the hard work they have been ...
My guest this week is speaker and author Carol Barnier. You may have heard her on Focus on the Family where she’s spoken on a variety of humorous topics ranging from not being ...
I am delighted to be welcoming as my guest this week Lori Lane, a homeschool veteran of 20 years and a Mum after my own heart! Lori and her husband John have four sons ranging in age ...
This week I’m talking to my blue eyed cowboy who has agreed to join us for a cuppa. His real name is Larry McNeny and he toured the world with famous musicians ensuring they were in the ...
My guest this week is Dr. Jay L. Wile best known in the homeschooling circles for his award-winning “Exploring Creation With…” series of science textbooks. Dr. Wile holds an earned ...
With me today to help further dispel the stereotype of homeschoolers is Dr. Terri Fites who realized that she could not serve two masters, medicine and family. She made the ...
This week my oldest and youngest children are joining me to talk about how they managed to live together and make it work…really well! They are both graduates of Wild Flower ...
My guest this week is renowned concert pianist, Calvin Jones. Calvin is also a homeschooling Dad, composer, orchestrator and producer. This is the final show in my short series ...
Joining me this week is self described, lifelong unschooler Peter Kowalke. Peter has been on my show several times and we have talked about his passion for unschooling and how much it ...
I am welcoming Dawn Franks, to my show this week to talk about her unusual and very entrepreneurial career. I was introduced to Dawn through my husband who met with her while we ...
On my show I’ve talked about the importance of relieving stress especially around the holidays. If you are normal, and most homeschoolers are, you know exactly what I mean. My ...
This week my show is the second in a short series of careers advice where I bring on guests from interesting walks of life that may be of help to young people searching for possible ...
This week my guest Stephanie Langford is returning to tell us all about how her 54 weeks of world travel has impacted her family’s lifestyle, marriage and view of the world. She ...
This week I am welcoming to my show Katharine Grubb. Katharine was born in northeastern Oklahoma. She was raised in the Tulsa suburbs, attended the University of Oklahoma, taught ...
This week I’m delighted to welcome back to my show, where I dispel many homeschooling stereotypes, Carol Topp who has joined me a couple of times to talk about co-oping and ...
Mike Donnelly, from the Home School Legal Defense Association, returns to my show this week wearing his legal and dad hats. When he’s not talking to me Mike serves as Staff Attorney ...
Brenda Nixon is joining me again this week on my show where I dispel the stereotype of homeschoolers! Brenda has been a fellow host here on Toginet radio with The Parents’ Plate, where ...
Hello I'm Vivienne McNeny, English to the core and I've just put the kettle on so while its boiling let me tell you a little about myself. I was raised in a convent boarding school while my parents diplomatically hosted cocktail parties at foreign Embassies. After performing in operettas as leading men and prima ballerinas I read child psychology at London Uni; flipped my speedboat while racing in the channel; taught windsurfing and water ski-ing in Southern Andalucia; an American fell in love with me in London and I took up homeschooling in Texas before our children were too old to object.