I make observations on how England is very different to America now that I’ve lived away for so long. I remember how my brother and I coped with a foreign country when my father was posted first to Beirut, Lebanon and then to Tehran, Iran. Daughts and I go to Germany to tour a concentration camp.
Have you ever wondered how homeschoolers feel about their education once they get to college? Laura Lee Ellis, a lifelong homeschooler, writer and speaker living in Oxford, England, tells us why she feels homeschooling uniquely prepared her for college and life and offers tips on how to make the most of a home education and thrive in higher education and fulfilling work. Join us on Friday and hear how Laura Lee Ellis challenges young people to stand out from the crowd in a positive way and live passionately and with purpose by making the most of their homeschool experience to prepare them for higher education and fulfilling work.
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