Gretchen Roe, community liaison for Calvert School is returning as my guest this week. We are going to be talking about her ability to balance the roles of wife, mother and teacher while still having a career. For example, in addition to talking at numerous conferences this summer about the popular topic of Homeschooling versus School at Home, Gretchen has been up to her eyes in preparations for her eldest son’s wedding! You will discover how she makes her life work and be encouraged that not every moment is a Kodak moment! Gretchen’s advice about which direction to take once school is out will help you to steer your charges along a Godly path and discover ways to use their gifts and talents wisely. You won’t want to miss this amazing woman who is the mother of six children ranging in age from 5 to early 20’s. Come and have a cup of tea with us, and a slice of refrigerator chocolate cake, this Friday and listen in to our little natter about preparing for the future.
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