This Friday afternoon I’m delighted to have as my guest a homeschooling Dad who is probably the coolest father ever because he uses film, popular movies in fact, to bring the truth about Christianity to his children and all young people he comes in contact with which this week includes all of you listening to my show, so gather around! Michael T Hansen is a Digital Missionary and the founder of the Great Commission Transmission Network. He has over 7 years of podcasting and Internet broadcasting experience under his belt. After producing and hosting over 300 podcast episodes on a variety of subjects Michael is now focusing his time and talent in digital-new-media toward fulfilling the Great Commission as given in Matthew 28: 19, 20. Thus GCTN was created. He is a follower of Jesus Christ; musician; recording engineer by trade; husband; father of 4; homeschooling dad; Bible student; mouseketeer; and geek. He holds firm to the truth that Captain Kirk is superior to Captain Picard in the same way that Elvis is superior to The Beatles (it’s really the other way round but shhh!). Join us with sparkling water or sparkling whatever you’re drinking and hear how this homeschooling dad reaches teens and young adults with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ by producing entertaining and educational spirit-filled content using the common speech and interests of today’s youth culture. Move over Math and Latin, enter Michael Hansen and The Great Commission Transmission Network, this Friday at 12 noon Central.
Listen this Friday at 12 Noon Central.
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