With me today to help further dispel the stereotype of homeschoolers is Dr. Terri Fites who realized that she could not serve two masters, medicine and family. She made the right choice and left her beloved medical career behind (sort of) to become a most loved full-time, stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.
Married for 17 years to her high school sweetheart, also a physician, who fully respects and encourages her decision (since he knew he wasn’t up to the task), Terri educates their three daughters. She graduated first with her pharmacy degree from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, then with her medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine and spent her resident years training in family medicine in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Through the shedding of multiple, minor ailments and over a dozen prescription medicines in her family, she has become convinced of the remarkable role of nutrition and environment in health and shares what she has learned on her very humble blog, The Homeschooling Doctor (The HSD).
Terri firmly believes that when she made the choice to have children, she made the choice to do what it takes to bring them up emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically healthy, and although she left a medical career behind, God granted her a new outlet to serve and help others, including her family.
Bring your tea and join us this Friday when we will be talking about Dr. Terri Fites’ career and how homeschooling has changed her view of medicine.
I’ll also be engaging you with the latest and greatest from the household of the McNenys where we are half way through our house sitting assignment, writing is taking a serious hold, a special birthday is coming up, the dogs went to the local groomers and I look back on driving permits and my children, nothing but excitement in this sleepy little place! Are you ready?
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