Show 147…Chasing After the De-Churched: Jules Rothacher




Joining me this week is a fellow blogger whom I met while popping over to a guest site one of my friends was writing for. Jules Rothacher has a heart for Jesus and she and her husband, with their young family, are missionaries currently serving in central Arkansas. You thought I was going to say Africa, didn‘t you? Jules writes about the fun adventures she, Matt (her hilarious hubs of almost 8 years), her children Magdalene, Isabella, and Benjamin are having with God in the lead. She is here with me to share the simple silliness of her every day where God can be found in the quirkiness around her home. With a four year old as their eldest they are just entering the realm of homeschooling and as if all that isn’t enough they are being called to Church Planting. Jules is going to be telling us all about that venture and more over a hot cuppa and a biscuit or two this Friday. So take an hour away from Christmas preparations and join me for a natter.




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