Do you ever wonder why when things get tough you inevitably get sick? How many times have you heard someone chide you by saying, “it’s the body’s way of slowing you down?” My guest this week will tell you that there’s enough evidence now to prove that when our brains are exhausted our immune system takes a dive. Julie Anderson is a survivor of marriage and 16 years of homeschooling whose experiences led her to write, “Quickest Way to Insanity: Homeschool Your Kids.” In her book she takes a refreshing, helpful and often irreverent look at the ins and outs of home education without sacrificing the brain in the process. Julie will answer some very critical questions like “why are some people so difficult to get on with?’ and “how can I be less stressed while giving my all to my children?” As a pubic speaker, business and homeschool consultant Julie has been lecturing on the brain personality connection for 11 years. Do yourself a favour and join me with a cup of tea on Friday for some encouraging words as you continue on, or are just beginning, your homeschooling journey and discover how to take the brain into consideration when choosing curriculum or the perfect ball and chain!
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