Kate Hall's blog started as a way to share their adoption journeys with family and friends. But somewhere along the line the comments she was receiving about her droll blogs went to ...
Norma Wilt was a public school teacher for seventeen years. As an individual she tried to change the system and came up against certain individuals who do not necessarily have the ...
My guest this week describes herself as a reluctant homeschooler, which makes me laugh because the very nature of the beast surprises many of us in its nascent years yielding ...
Ministering to military spouses and unschooling her children, Aadel plugs us into some valuable resources to make the whole experience do-able and wonderful with the added benefit of a ...
Stacie Zellmer is joining me today to talk about the importance of clean water in the world, something we take for granted and waste without thinking! Imagine spending several hours a ...
My daughter, Malia McNeny, is returning this week to talk to me about the dream job that is helping her to achieve her dream career! Malia has just returned from a year in ...
My guest this week is Kim de Blecourt, author of, Until We All Come Home, published by Faith Words last November. Kim spent over 13 years in corporate human resources and ...
What does your twelfth grader need to know? It may be less than you think! Can you help your high schooler answer the questions, “Where are you trying to go and why?” While schooling at ...
This is the last show of 2012 and in it you will be treated to some different ideas about preparations for the New Year from more of my friends whom ...
Joining me this week is a fellow blogger whom I met while popping over to a guest site one of my friends was writing for. Jules Rothacher has a heart for Jesus and she and ...
Mike Donnelly, from the Home School Legal Defense Association, returns to my show this week after recently attending the Global Home Education Conference in Berlin. When he’s not ...
Chasing Hard After God: Cara Putman I am excited to welcome Cara Putman to my show today. I love speaking with graduated homeschoolers who bear witness to the fact that educating our ...
I met this week’s guest on Twitter and was intrigued by her story and you’ll have to join me to hear it from her own lips. Jessica Bowman blogs on faith and parenting and everything ...
I am delighted to be talking to Walter Lemons this week, who was technical director of the Garland Performing Arts Centre which became our home away from homeschool many moons ago. ...
I am welcoming Sherry Hayes to my show this week. Sherry is the inspiring Christian mother of 15 wonderful children and has been homeschooling for 24 years. She has seen the ...
Dawn Prochovnic is my guest this week and we are going to be exploring the benefits of signing with every member of our family! Dawn is an expert in ASL and her verbal descriptions on ...
I am thrilled to welcome back Diane Flynn Keith this week as my guest. She is an alternative education specialist whose written and spoken words empower families to get the help their ...
I am going to be talking briefly with Sarita Holzmann, the co-founder and president of Sonlight Curriculum for more than 20 years. Sarita is going to be telling us about a brand new ...
Hello I'm Vivienne McNeny, English to the core and I've just put the kettle on so while its boiling let me tell you a little about myself. I was raised in a convent boarding school while my parents diplomatically hosted cocktail parties at foreign Embassies. After performing in operettas as leading men and prima ballerinas I read child psychology at London Uni; flipped my speedboat while racing in the channel; taught windsurfing and water ski-ing in Southern Andalucia; an American fell in love with me in London and I took up homeschooling in Texas before our children were too old to object.