Jacob had his brain operation. His wounds are pretty painful and the plaster and staples (!) stay on for 5-7 days. Hopefully they’ll send Jake back to Sutton this week, then we’ll all feel a bit more settled.
The Marsden is a million times more hospitable and we have begun to feel quite at home there. This is a worry! He is definitely better since the op, not much, but better, and we did the crossword together this evening. The surgeon got out half the gunk in the abscess and the rest should shrink by itself. The physio at the Marsden is really good and will help us with our Heath Robinson attempts at hand rehabilitation.
We don’t feel so desolate today. Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel and not the other way round as it has been for weeks. But this tunnel is far too long.
Jonathan and Cherry xx
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