Show 102…Secrets to Staying Inspired: Rebecca Kochenderfer
February 3, 2012 / Cop an Earful / Radio Show
My guest this week first came to my attention as I was prowling around my biggest fan’s website. We have a mutual friend, thanks Tina for the intro! I am thrilled to welcome Rebecca Kochenderfer to my show. Rebecca is the Senior Editor for hailed as the #1 homeschooling site on the Internet by yahoo, google, and Forbes Magazine, with over 2 million visitors a year. Rebecca is the co-author of, Homeschooling for Success: How Parents Can Create a Superior Education For Their Child and more recently, Homeschooling and Loving It a book that will take its reader step by step through the how to’s of teaching at home from beginning to end. Rebecca educated her three children at home and loved every minute of it! Join me on Friday, at the usual time, to be inspired no matter where you are on your homeschooling journey.
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